Wednesday, January 30, 2008
-34 windchill
A: What would I be doing with my life is I wasn't?
It's kind of funny how you end up answering so many questions with other ones. I'm in a really melancholy mood partially because it's cold as fuck, my shoes are wet, and I'm short rent and tomorrow is the 31. I'm looking forward to the ride tomorrow night because I need a break from alot of the shit thats been going on in my head and I just need to try to ride all of that shit out rather than the more self destructive idea of going out and drinking it out. Anyway, I just wanted to edit this to put up an awesome video clip. In the late 80s the first wave of "extreme sports" started to take serious root. Kids had been riding skateboards and racing bikes for some time prior, but the sports began mainstream success and began to gain the intrest of movie companies. The skate end of the deal was the movie Thrashin (and gleaming the cube!). The BMX end was Rad. The heroic tale of a paper boy gone pro BMXer. Anyway someone put together a bunch of clips from this movie into a pretty moving montage that I think is worth taking a look.
There are like a million other clips worth looking at on there.
If thats not enough full face helmets and spandex check out
Other bike related video stuff. They have the documentry "Pedal" at the local library. It's kind of slow paced and ambiguous but worth a look. heres the trailer
Well I've put off my obligations long enough. I'll end this with a quote from Steve Crandall off the Road fools 8 video.
When I was about 4 years old I got my first bike. That seems like both yesterday and a million years ago. The first time I rolled to the end of my driveway, I doubt I realized how much further my bike would take me.
That was almost 23 years ago.
Since then, my bikes have taken me to the middle of the woods, cities far and wide, prestigious universities, the Eiffel Tower, the convenience store, and even jail.
How amazing is this vehicle we call a bicycle? How far can it take you? And how far are you willing to go? None of that really matters though as long as you enjoy the time you spend getting there.
-Steve Crandall
Monday, January 28, 2008
Part 2

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Part 1
Friday afternoon I slept in and woke up and said goodbye to everyone. I caught a nasty little cold that night and work that night was a hellish experience that resulted in me getting out early going home and being sick all night. Last night I got out of work early and while I was driving home I saw some bikers at the air pump at Kwik Trip, I turned around and sure enough it was Chris, Chris, and Dan?(Sorry I'm bad with names) All night at work I was frustated because I knew everyone had gone for a ride to Chippewa earlier that day and I couldn't go. It was a really pretty day and i wanted to get on my bke really bad. What are the chances that I would get out early and run into a group of bikers? Anyway, we decided to meet up at my house and head up to the labor temple where more people were waiting. I will never get sick of seeing the looks on peoples faces when a group of bikers shows up somewhere en masse. Generally it's a look of disdain mixed with a little wonder, and sometimes a smile. I will also never get sick of the sight of a pile of bikes locked up together. 3 pitchers down at the Labor temple and we all rode down to Scooters to check out the drag show. Scooters was a crazy time and by 12:30 there was a group of 7 or 8 bikers with there shirts off of the dance floor dancing and handing out flyers for the alley cat race coming up in a few months. We all headed for the Joynt at about 1 and stuck around till bar close when everyone split up. I got a slice of Mac and Cheese and visited katie at NYPD and some of us ate at burrachos for a while then we all went home.
Cheap fenders are easy to make.
All this has made me think alot about stereotypes people have of bikers. It seems like alot has changed over the years. In the late 1800s into the early 1900s the bicycle was a prestigious vehicle deemed "The golden age of bicycles". It was very possible to be diginified on a bicycle. The automobile wasn't quite within peoples grasp yet and bikes seemed like a status symbol and a statment of self impowerment. Dont forget Susan B Anthony arguing "Bicycling has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world." and the fact that it was 2 bicycle mechanics that made "the first" working airplane. Then with the emergence of the automobile you see the biker begin to move towards it's more familiar image. A machine for the poor or the outcast. This image was pushed further by groups of kids riding there bikes emulating groups of cafe racers and greasers on motorcycles. Yes you see popular resurgences of biking throughout the 20th century particularly in the 30s,70s,and you could argue now. But By and large the position of the biker has remained very lowly. People who can't afford a car, drink to much, don't have jobs, do drugs, don't take showers, hug trees, plant gardens, and sure as hell don't watch football.
Thats all for right now. It's 10 to 3 and I need to get my ass home and off to work. I will rant more about social status and stuff later.
Also please note that this is all just my opinion formed off of my experience and knowledge of bikes as limited of expansive as that may be. No formal research has gone into any of what I'm writing.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Well tonight is the Thursday night ride. Meet at Racys at 6:30? I think. It's not a rat ride so expect minimal dicking around and it's going to be cold so dress warm. It's winter, layers are your friends.
Other exciting news is that I e-mailed jeremy about how to go about hosting a bike film festivle this spring and it sounds like it should be relativley easy to do. Now more work just needs to be put into selection of films and acctually getting a date time and permission. If this is going to happen it's probobly going to require volunteers so keep your head up.
yikes, I just got a call from Thomas and I guess he is coming up to visit for a little while. I guess I will see everyone at the ride tonight.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Im really excited for this year and I can't wait to see what happens. If anyone wants to gor ide or build some bikes or just hang out get in touch.
In other news the guy who runs the Bike Snob NYC blog (which I despise) wrote a piece on freak bike clubs. It's really stupid but it's kind of funny. I do however maintain that that guy is dumb. You can read it here
Im hungry and Im going to go eat some boca burgers I found on sale.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
bam bam
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Now that I finally got a new record player heres what I'm listening too.
Note:I usually only post myspace links because they have music on them, I am not a member of myspace, and probobly never ever ever will be.
Murder of Crows:
Teen Idles:
Rites of Spring:
Sunny Day Real Estate:
Monday, January 7, 2008
Smelling bad
Haha take that sister!
Looka here for cool bike videos:
Friday, January 4, 2008
Moving in place
Anyway thats just more stuff I've been thinking about. Like I've said before I think at some point we all struggle with the places we live, and the places we call our homes. I guess some people are lucky enough to never really think about these things, but they probobly don't live in Eau Claire either.
There isnt a whole lot else going on around here. I havn't done much, but I think I am going to visit my grandma today. Other than that I've been looking at the etsy and instructables web pages alot looking for inspiration on projects. They are really cool check em out if your feeling crafty