Even crazier is that it wasn't dropped from the UCI championships until 1994.
Read more here.
Ride your bike and have fun, no matter what.
On a more serious note I got this e-mail today regarding Banbury Place.
" I was in the basement of Building 17 this morning and I am applaud at the mess your organization has made. Bikes and bike parts are scattered all over the basement. Originally we agreed to allow your organization use of 2 bays for storage and repair of bikes at no charge. Today you cover over 8 bays! I have talked to you several times regarding cleaning up and organizing the space. Obviously, this did happen or if it did it didn’t not last long. You need to have the bikes and parts organized back into 2 bays (middle south 2 bays we originally agreed to) by the end of June. If you do not, we will do so, and you will be required to vacate the space by the end of July. Thanks for your cooperation."
This sucks. I don't think anyone I know is responsible for making the mess, actually I'm positive about that. But unfortunetly I think we will be the ones stuck cleaning it up. This is a pretty fun space and I would hate to see it disapear because some kids and some river rats made a giant mess. So if anyone has a few hours to spare please help pick up. I'm heading down there today (Tuesday) to pick up so feel free to stop by.
Thursday night ride to big falls tomorrow. Leave bike and sport 6:30 sharp.
Scrapertown from California is a place. on Vimeo.
It's one of those awesome things to see how bikes act as this really positive fun thing in so many different ways to so many different people. It really kind of kicks ass.
And just for fun, this is what Eau Claire lacks in it's bike shops...
macanicframa from wolfgang on Vimeo.