Saturday, June 26, 2010


I feel like it is about time I make a post about stayer bikes. Because, well, look at them...

If you haven't guessed already stayer racing involves a highly specialized track bike with a 600c front and reversed fork drafting a specialized motorcycle as a team in order to reach up to 60mph. What does that look like you ask? Something like this I suppose...

Even crazier is that it wasn't dropped from the UCI championships until 1994.
Read more here.

Friday, June 25, 2010


big gains

13 people made it out for the big falls ride. Could not have asked for a better day, so gorgeous and awesome all around. It was deffinetly one of those take over scenarios that happens so often on Thursday night rides where a bunch of us show up at a place and all of the sudden we find that we are the only ones there and people are all over the place goofing around. Anyway, awesome night not much else to say.
Except! I have been talking to some friendly folks in La Crosse about a inter-city championship alleycat this September, keep your eyes peeled...

LeMond jersey won in an epic foot race by Sam Hughes
PS! Dont forget, if Banbury isn't toally cleaned by the end of this month we are out! I picked it up most of the way, but it's still far from done! Help out!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I got out of work early on Sunday...

On a more serious note I got this e-mail today regarding Banbury Place.

" I was in the basement of Building 17 this morning and I am applaud at the mess your organization has made. Bikes and bike parts are scattered all over the basement. Originally we agreed to allow your organization use of 2 bays for storage and repair of bikes at no charge. Today you cover over 8 bays! I have talked to you several times regarding cleaning up and organizing the space. Obviously, this did happen or if it did it didn’t not last long. You need to have the bikes and parts organized back into 2 bays (middle south 2 bays we originally agreed to) by the end of June. If you do not, we will do so, and you will be required to vacate the space by the end of July. Thanks for your cooperation."

This sucks. I don't think anyone I know is responsible for making the mess, actually I'm positive about that. But unfortunetly I think we will be the ones stuck cleaning it up. This is a pretty fun space and I would hate to see it disapear because some kids and some river rats made a giant mess. So if anyone has a few hours to spare please help pick up. I'm heading down there today (Tuesday) to pick up so feel free to stop by.

Thursday night ride to big falls tomorrow. Leave bike and sport 6:30 sharp.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Thats a Blatz box soaked in lighter fluid, I'll let you imagine what happened next.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

noble stabbings

I have no idea what's going on, it's not raining outside. I was just starting to think that non-stop rain was just the norm for summer, but apparently not. Regardless I have been on my bike as much as possible lately. I think I am trying to compensate for not being able to dick around on my BMX by trying to put on bunches of miles rain or shine. Monday Scott and I did a super wet ride out past big falls before stoppin into the Fox Run for a couple free rounds and some pizza, yesterda was a quick jaunt to Chippewa and last Thursday Zacher and I went out by Fanny Hill to check out horses and drink at a golf course.

Scott got his Salsa put together and it looks real nice, and I finally rebuilt the Candys. Other than that not much news. Lots of drinking and bike riding and trying to catch rides in the back of pick up trucks at one in the morning. There is a meeting TODAY at 4pm to discuss the future of the Hastings Way construction. Aparently it is pretty much a blank slate right now so I strongly strongly advocate people going to this meeting and putting in their 2 cents for cycling. More info here

Speaking of BMX Erik Elstran has a submission in this years Bicycle Film Festival. How fucking rad is that? More at North of Ten

And finally, as if you needed it, more proof that riding a bike is sexy.
Tomorrow is Thursday, you know the drill...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

at the movies

Since I don't have much to say here is a bunch of stuff from around the internet.
I think everyone has seen the Scraper bike video on youtube, if not, here you go.

Probably like everyone else I just thought this was the most rediculous thing ever and immedietly disregarded it, but then I saw this and it really blew me away.

Scrapertown from California is a place. on Vimeo.

It's one of those awesome things to see how bikes act as this really positive fun thing in so many different ways to so many different people. It really kind of kicks ass.

And just for fun, this is what Eau Claire lacks in it's bike shops...

macanicframa from wolfgang on Vimeo.

where its at

I know, it's been a while. I have had a pretty hard time pulling myself inside to sit at a computer and surf the web with all of the nice weather we've been having, but seeing as how it is rainy and dark and gross out today is the day. Not much going on. re-decorated the house, filled up the recycling bin with bottles and cans, visited my dad and planted some plants.
I rode for a while last Thursday and it felt really good to be back on a bike riding with friends again. I think the same night I attempted to give and the ghetto tat you see above. Some touch up is needed.
Other than that I keep finding myself worrying about summer going to fast and running out of time to do all of the stuff I want to do, but I have to say thus far it's been awesome. And every year I am more and more amazed at how lucky I am. I have a tendency to be really jaded and when I see other people at shows or at work I can't help but think to myself that my life is "more legit" than theirs and my friends/hobbies/work/etc. are better in some way. I know this is a huge problem, but at the same time I feel like I am really privileged to live this around people who try to live passionately and it rubs off. No frills, just living the best you can while you can regardless of the circumstances. I feel like so much in life is forced to fit some sort of mold or expectation and achieve a perfect stereotype and I think that there is something about certain people that allows them to disregard the mold or expectations. Nothing is forced, it just is what it is.
So that's all. I'm feeling optimistic on a gloomy day. i think I am getting the Internet soon so hopefully in the next few weeks updates will be more frequent.
Until then see you on Thursday!