I am pretty much done with stuff for the week and I am totally jazzed as a result. And on top of it all Andy and i went to the Chancellors Roundtable discussion today to discuss the future of cycling on the UWEC campus.
it was a little bit depressing that people had a hard time getting beyond very little issues (bike parking, riding on sidewalks) and wouldn't look at the bigger picture, but it actually felt pretty productive.
Anyone who has ever ridden on the footbridge to the UWEC lower campus knows what a clusterfuck that intersection with Garfield Ave. is. Unfortunately many of the people in charge have never ridden their bike that way apparently. So Andy and I had to give them what for and fill them in.
I know meetings can always get boring and seem stupid and bureaucratic, but if it weren't for Andy seeing this and bringing it up their would have probably not been anyone there to represent a cyclist point of view. it would have just been another check mark on a agenda somewhere. Plus it feels good to fill people in on stuff they have no idea about. I like to think that UWEC and the City are not anti-bicycle, they are just totally clueless, that's why it is important to clue them in. And get them really upset, because it's funny. Well that's all about that. Props to Andy for finding out about that thing and giving them hell. And props to anyone who sits through long winded meetings in an effort to make cycling better for all of us.
3 more days to valleycat mayhem.
Fucking Thursday night Ride
I was going to post a bunch more photos of old stuff, but blogger and I are fighting again. So for now here's an old photo of me passed out on the kitchen floor and music you should be listening to right now.
WeakerthansThe FalconBu
ddy HollyDr. DogThe Promise RingLightning Bolt