Friday, April 30, 2010


UWEC just started up a bike rental program.
" The rental program at the Environmental Adventure Center now includes some of the mountain bikes pictured above, along with helmets included."

Read more

Thursday, April 29, 2010

at stake

I stopped down at the bike shop to see what sort of stuff has come in for the Valleycat this year and was pretty stoked at what Chrome sent...

" It’s a limited edition riding jersey that can only be obtained by winning Chrome-sponsored bike events. Pretty neat idea if you ask me. Designed by Garret Chow of MASH/GLOBE and produced in Italy by Capo, only 200 jerseys have been made and once they’re gone, that’s it."
get stoked

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nature valley baby

Menomonie is making the big leagues and hosting a leg of the Nature Valley Bicycle Festival.

What is this you ask? Some granola bar company bike race.

"In 2010, the Nature Valley Bicycle Festival will venture outside the land of 10,000 lakes for the first time in its history as we head to Menomonie, Wisconsin for the 5th Stage of the Nature Valley Grand Prix.

Finishing with several circuits inside the city, the course will take in the challenging rural county roads outside the city that have been a favorite with cyclists of the upper Midwest for years. The men’s road race consists of 85 miles, marked by rolling hills and long climbs that are sure to impact the standings for the entire Nature Valley Grand Prix. Meanwhile, the women will cover a 65 mile course that follows the same beginning and ending roadways.

Menomonie will also play host to amateur racing, lots of fun family activities, and a community bike ride that will take in several viewing spots of the race ahead of the pros."

More info here

test press

I try not to post political stuff, but boy does this shit get me upset...

Coast Guard Will Try Burning Oil Spill as It Nears Land

"Coast Guard crews raced to protect the Gulf of Mexico coastline Monday as a remote sub tried to shut off an underwater oil well that's gushing 42,000 gallons a day from the site of a wrecked drilling platform..."

Yet another reason to ride a bike...

Aparently it is possible for Arizona to get worse...

"Arizona's Republican Governor Jan Brewer signed a bill into law last Friday that would make it a crime to be in the state illegally and would require police to check the status of people they suspect to be illegal immigrants. The law, which is set to take effect later this year, would also require immigrants to carry their registration documents with them at all times."


As a result of listening to the radio and reading the news and getting pissed I've been listening to lots of



God I need to get back on a bike...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

late to the party

I know everyone has probably caught wind of these blogs already but I just got into them.

Links now updated

Velo cult

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ronde Vas Bastardia

Derek was telling me about this and it actually looks like a ton of fun and if I'm thinking we should get a big group together to do it, hopefully I will be riding by then. 70 mile booze cruise road ride the weekend after the Valleycat

Friday, April 23, 2010

laid up

For those who do not know, I broke my collar bone last Thursday coming back in from Chippewa when a wooden post popped up in front of me. Anyway, I'm not biking so in the mean time check out these cool blogs.

Trackosaurus Rex
The Velodrome

Thats all!

Monday, April 19, 2010

sorts of things

I trashed my chain a cog and a pair of shoes so I figured i might as well do something about my collar bone as well.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


After watching this and reading Tristessa my desire to travel around Mexico has skyrocketed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Support cool companies

A couple weeks ago Chrome was sending out free shoes to anyone who sent a pair of junky old shoes to them. I was super curious what they were going to do with all the shitty shoes and today they posted an update about it.

"Turns out the interweb is a incredible means of communication. Who knew? Given the overwhelming response, we’re now going to be giving 500 pairs of shoes to the local St. Vincent de Paul, recycling close to 1,000 pair that can no longer be worn, distributing several hundreds ourselves to those currently living on the streets here in San Francisco and an additional 3,000+ will be going to Haiti with the help of the Soles4Souls organization."

pretty damn coolif you ask me

Monday, April 5, 2010


I wish, someone go and promote the valleycat pleeease.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


More media! Newest edit from NO10

Madison Trip from North of Ten on Vimeo.

I've been up to something sneaky.

Valleycat Preview from David Smuhl on Vimeo.

Pieced together Friday from little clips taken over the year. Tell me thoughts. If it is generally reviled I will see to it that it is taken down immediately. Otherwise I hope you enjoy.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I've been out of town for the past few days enjoying a much needed vacation.
However, it is freaking bueautiful out today and I am back in town and I had better see tons of people tonight for the ride.

Thursday night Ride
6:30 pm meet at racys
kick ass
take names

new webpage for the valleycat is up thanks to magyar(and the secrest ritual from a couple weeks ago about which I can not speak)!

And lastly your friend and mine Thomas Lee is all over Bike Portland right now.
Kind of a goofy article but Thomas is kicking all of our asses in the trick category right now..