I try not to post political stuff, but boy does this shit get me upset...
Coast Guard Will Try Burning Oil Spill as It Nears Land "Coast Guard crews raced to protect the Gulf of Mexico coastline Monday as a remote sub tried to shut off an underwater oil well that's gushing
42,000 gallons a day from the site of a wrecked drilling platform..."
Yet another reason to ride a bike...
Aparently it is possible for Arizona to get worse...
"Arizona's Republican Governor Jan Brewer signed a bill into law last Friday that would make it a crime to be in the state illegally and would require police to check the status of people they suspect to be illegal immigrants. The law, which is set to take effect later this year, would also require immigrants to carry their registration documents with them at all times."
As a result of listening to the radio and reading the news and getting pissed I've been listening to lots of
ComadreGod I need to get back on a bike...