Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bike Tokyo

I am leaving for Japan for a month on Saturday. I will be back in the end of January. I may post some stuff here from abraod, but chances are I am going to be bouncing around the country most of the time.

Stay warm and ride hard. See you all in a month!

Friday, December 11, 2009

2 things

A couple of things stolen from elsewhere.

1. A guy pulls up to a biker with his kid in his car and shoots the cyclist in the head. He was sentenced to 4 months.

The only thing that stopped the cyclist from being killed was his bike helmet. Think about it...

2. no chain!

Liam Fahy Hampton Animal Edit From Stowmedia Dec 2009 from StowMedia on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Yesterday a foot or more of snow was dumped on us. School got canceled, and work closed early. So naturally I rode my bike all day. It was freaking awesome. Ane and I rode around Carson park and town and I picked up some beer and coffee to top off the afternoon before heading home and doing some shoveling. It soudns like everyone was out riding around enjoying the weather yesterday, we are bad asses to the extreme. It is days like yesterday that make me wish my camera wasn't such a piece of junk. Well, we will have plenty more snow.

Thats all TNR tonight. Same time and place. I will be in Menomonie, but you should be there.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I think everyone in the world has seen this, but I think it's worth posting.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Bike Crackdown in Phillidelphia

I just recently read more details on the proposed legeslation for bicycles in Philidelphia. It includes $300 fines for wearing headphones and riding on a sidewalk and $1000 for riding brakeless. It also would force anyone over the age of 12 to register their bike like a car. Pretty freaking rediculous.



Christoper Felix Hahn, a student at the theater science in Gießen located in Germany was just banned from cycling for 15 years, which also includes riding a skateboard or any other unlicensed vehicle. Read more.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I'm at the studio avoiding homework by reading comics online because I'm grumpy and stressed out.

Friday, December 4, 2009


My body and I are fighting today.

It doesn't like it when I ride my bike and drink and stay up till 3am on weeknights. I however like all of those things very much. Even if it means sleeping in late and missing two quizes.

Last night I got a flat tire, we rode our bikes all over the place, hopped a median and ran across the highway, went back downtown, ate cookies, and then we got drunk and rowdy at the Last Chance. Dupster dove some pizza and went home. It was very fun, I am very tired and am going to go pass out at home now.

Lets build our very own x-games bmx ramp course.

Also, magyar showed off his first custom made bag. It looks fucking awesome. Rumor is that he will be making more this winter so keep your eyes peeled...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Beauty and the Bike Short

" This is an 8 minute version of our 55 minute documentary Beauty and the Bike. The film follows two groups of young women from Darlington and Bremen. Between them, they discover what makes - and stops - teenage girls from cycling."

via Bikejerks

I think it is funny to hear the guy say that they make a deliberate point of putting cyclist rights in front of motorists. It is interesting to think about how much of a shit stork that would raise here. But when you think about it it only makes sense. A completely non-obstructive form of transportation that has almost no impact on the environment, is better for the rider and every one else around them. vs one of the most environmentally detrimental machines ever made responsible for the deaths of thousands every single year.

I don't really like making bold anti-car statements most of the time because I do feel like their is obviously a place and time for cars. but when you actually see places giving priority to alternative transportation you can't help but wonder what is so gad damn backwards about this country and it's priorities.


I'm stoked to drink beer and ride bikes tonight, it's going to be my last TNR for over a month so I hope lots of people come out.

See ya then.

6:30 Tonight
Meet at racys
kick ass