Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
from the vault
I got bored and started looking through old pictures and decided to put some up here. they are from the past few years, and I dont think they ever made it here for some reason. To amplify viewing pleasure I will even put wacky-tacky captions under them.
"Hey, where's the sofa!?"
"Hey, I thought this was a drive in. WTF?!"
"Those EC Velo guys are on fire!"
"Don't bike too hard!"

"Hey, Where'd my bike go? Good grief, it was in my pocket the whole time!"
"Look out bees! Everyone hold still! Oh no! Chris is reflecting again!"
"I'm pooped! Wait a sec... I'm passed out drunk! LOL!"

"Hey, your bike is laying on the ground. Don't trip!"

"Great we have burgers, hot dogs, and soda, but we forgot the matches! Now how are we going to get this thing started?"
"Hey, Where'd my bike go? Good grief, it was in my pocket the whole time!"
"Hey, your bike is laying on the ground. Don't trip!"
"Great we have burgers, hot dogs, and soda, but we forgot the matches! Now how are we going to get this thing started?"
You get the last one? Because they are going to set the bikes on fire. Pretty funny right? This will hopefully provide me (or you!) with enough motivation to start being the person who is responsible and carries a camera around to document our hot-shot hollywood superstar lives. Come ride bikes tomorrow, be prepared for rain.
P.S. I dare you to try and beat those captions. Their hilarity is un-matched.
P.P.S. Watch this video, it's awesome
Monday, April 20, 2009

The first shirtless ride of summer happened Thursday. It was awesome and blinding innocent passer-bys with our reflective pale bodies was a plus as well. Cayla met me at bike house for a pre-game beer or to and laying in the sun with an empty stomach they took full effect. A basket of fries at the court-n-house and we learned that everyone was on the ssame page and a few pitchers later the ride to racys was done in a state less than fully coherent.
it was awesome to see a bunch of people riding that had never been, but it was a sad affair because it was Caylas last ride before leaving out west for the summer. Once the troops were rallied we rode into Chippewa sprinting a lot apparently in an effort to rip our legs from our torsos. Beverage breaks under the birdge in Hallie, and sweater finding at the Chippewa skatepark before heading to Glen Loch and going to what seems to be evloving into the official going away spot and laying out under the stars for a long time untill cold caught up and drove us away. The ride back into town went without a hitch other than me fumbling in the dark for my bike lock which was left behind and losing my light breifly. We stopped by banbury and loitered around the broken stairs digging the last beers from our bags working the EC pass to it's fullest extent. nachos downtown paid for with a near empty bank account and a quick ride home.
Friday my head felt like it was split in two, and I slept through my morning class. The afternoon was a haze and I realized that I havn't drank for a while and the punishment I was feeling should have been anticipated. The day went by and before I knew it I was at the Joynt for Caylas going away party with beer in front of me again. We are never to far from comfort.
Before long a migration to the Brat was in order and everyone was turned into a boogie machine into the earliest hours of the morning. Lessons learned from the night before I decided to retire and slipped out after exchanging teary eyed hugs and goodbyes with Cayla. It was sad to say good bye and it is another mark against the wall of people who have left in the past couple months, and the memories and lessons they leave behind. Bye Crotch pad, you will be missed!
I went to thorp with julia on Saturday and her car broke down on the off ramp, it was scary. Then it started and we went to the Thorpedo and everything in the world was right. We both got ice cream treats at McDonalds an toured downtown thorp. It was intimidating being in such a bussling metropolis and at times I forgot I was in Wisconsin, overwhelmed and with tummies full we began the trek back to EC listening to crappy corporate radio. When we got back to town we had an exercise in gunning it through greens and idling up to reds in an effort to keep the car running.
I bought a bunch of beer and went home and napped in the sun untill I went to Jon's for dinner. I had a lot of fun, but was tired, and probobly came off very awkward. Well that is only half true. I felt tired and awkward, so any perception of the later is 100% valid, as I was havinga hard time connecting my own thoughts let alone articulating them. We went to the Sea horse and sang karaoke, and it re-affirmed the belief that I will be very hard pressed to ever sing karaoke ever. No matter how incredible the venu may be. Everyone else went to the Joynt and I rode home in the rain. It felt really good.
Yesterday I worked all day and thought about a bunch of junk that I won't burden you with. i came home and watched TV and drank a few beers and layed in bed for a while untill i fell asleep trying to arrange a calendar of events past, present, and future in my head.
Thats it. That is everything up till today. So what should you take from this? Summer is here(ish) ride your bike, have fun, lets hang out. Oh, yea. And good luck Cayla, we will miss your presence!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
media blitz
have fun every day
It is beautiful out today, so i had better see all of your shining faces on the ride tonight. it's Caylas last ride as well. Bring empty bags. Debauchery,speed, and fun is garanteed, you've been warned.
If you dont know.
Every thursday
Racys(on riverside, by bike and sport)
bike riding, fun time having, name calling, and stuff struting
If you dont know.
Every thursday
Racys(on riverside, by bike and sport)
bike riding, fun time having, name calling, and stuff struting
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Andrew Duerkop
A memorial service for Andrew will be going on 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 14 at Jacob's Well church in Lake Hallie(3211 N. 50th St., Chippewa Falls)
It is open to anyone wishing to pay respects. I will be riding out there a little after 6 if anyone is interested in coming with feel free to contact me.
It is open to anyone wishing to pay respects. I will be riding out there a little after 6 if anyone is interested in coming with feel free to contact me.
Friday, April 10, 2009
For those of you who havn't heard yet Thursday afternoon Andrew Duerkop was hit by a car and killed. He was 16 years old. I've only met Andrew a few times, but can't say enough about how much of an awesome kid he was. It is a very very sad day for the cycling community and the world is a little lonlier not having him around. My most sincere condolences to all of Andrews friends and familey and those who knew him better than I. I am deeply deeply sadened by the fact that I will not get a chance to ever know him better, and we all mourn for his loss.
Anyone wishing to please feel free to contact me and know that we are all willing to allocate whatever resources we can to help Andrews family and friends.
A memorial fund has been established at Royal Credit Union under: Andrew J. Duerkop
Memorial Fund.
Donations for the fund wil also be taken this Saturday at Banbury place Bld.17 12-5
Ride safe, and keep you heads up.
Anyone wishing to please feel free to contact me and know that we are all willing to allocate whatever resources we can to help Andrews family and friends.
A memorial fund has been established at Royal Credit Union under: Andrew J. Duerkop
Memorial Fund.
Donations for the fund wil also be taken this Saturday at Banbury place Bld.17 12-5
Ride safe, and keep you heads up.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Bike repair workshop thing-a-ma-jig going on this Saturday at Banbury Place Bld.17! The Easter Bunny may be making a showing. Com check out all the new room/bikes we have, and help out, learn, hang out, have fun! See you there.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Real World
So people are still checking the BikeEC blog eh? Well I suppose that I had better start posting more often before "the man" gets all sorts of ants in his pants and shuts this internet thing down.
Not much has changed. I've been really busy with work and school, and trying to balance out that while maintining some semblance of a social life. Which is rapidly disapearing as I spend most of my time in transit from the library to home to work. That said being in transit gives me a lot of time to think about lots of things. "I hate potholes, I want a sandwhich, What's going on with BikeEC?, Will I ever get my act together and write my damn paper, etc." And it is sappy but I also think about how much I enjoy doing stupid little things with friends. I.E. Riding a bike down a cursed trail on a Thursday night, stopping to drink beer out of paper bags while somone fixes a flat.

It is really cool that we develop bonds with people that enable us to enjoy little things that we dont normally get to share with others. Every day I ride my bike to class or work or to run errands, and everyday there is a couple seconds that that feels incredible. It is an awesome feeling to be around a group of people riding in a tight pack watching eachothers tires not even talking, but feeling that same connection with small things that we rarely get a chance to appreciate with others. 

So that is just part of what has been on my mind the past couple weeks I havn't posted. Here is the non-wimpy stuff.
Not much has changed. I've been really busy with work and school, and trying to balance out that while maintining some semblance of a social life. Which is rapidly disapearing as I spend most of my time in transit from the library to home to work. That said being in transit gives me a lot of time to think about lots of things. "I hate potholes, I want a sandwhich, What's going on with BikeEC?, Will I ever get my act together and write my damn paper, etc." And it is sappy but I also think about how much I enjoy doing stupid little things with friends. I.E. Riding a bike down a cursed trail on a Thursday night, stopping to drink beer out of paper bags while somone fixes a flat.
And I don't care if it's baking bread, or going to a resteraunt, or going for a walk. The point is that as sappy as it is it feels good to just appreciate things for what they are with people around you.
So that is just part of what has been on my mind the past couple weeks I havn't posted. Here is the non-wimpy stuff.
Im super excited for the valleycat. We need people to man checkpoints, and help out. contact ecvalleycat @ or me if you are interested. I think we need shirt designs as well. If you want to hand out flyers e-mail me or the valleycat e-mail and I will send you a PDF. Flyering in different cities and stuff is GREATLY appreciated and warants high fives.
Debate topics:Has ECVelo entered it's 3rd generation?
Monster turn out last Thursday+super fun ride=awesome time.
Bikehouse reigns supreme.
No school on Friday.
I am listening to the Holy Modal Rounders, and have been almost non-stop, thus this posts title.
I got a hair cut, I am like James Dean, only with glasses.
Easter is coming up, egg salad season is upon us.
I will not eat a mini-corn dog for $20
There is a tree that grows fixed gears outside of the House of Rock. Check this Thursday.
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