new Valleycat website here!
100% success rate
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
attention attention
We still need designs for the Valleycat shirts and flyers! Submit any designs to or arrange to drop them off to me via that e-mail ASAP. It is an awesome way to get your work out there on the chests and in the hands of dozens of people from all over. Please make shirt designs single color, logo room is desired on the flyer. 1/4 size and fullsize flyer designs are needed. Plus the winning design gets a signature BikeEC 6pack of beers hand delivered. Think about it.....
breaking news!
You heard it here firstfolks. Thug Life Flyte will be at the Spring Thursday Night Formal. Where will you be?
Monday, March 23, 2009
It has been a crazy week or so. I moved in with Andy at the newest hottest best bike house in town, worked a ton, and rode my bike a whole bunch every chance I got. That is my week in the broadest sense. You want specifics? I will give you specifics!
I took the rack off my bike.
I put fenders on (they are tied on with bike tubes, NJS approved)
Chris and I shred the gnar at Kristophs mini-ramp. (I use the term "Shred gnar" very liberally and it can often be used interchangibly with "fell down and hurt my shin")
Thursday night ride was big time party people fun times with a campfire at Mt. Simon.
A fry and burger machine was installed behind the couch at 1029. The Hi-C machine is broken.
We hung out under a bridge and ate baked goods. Derik is a banana cake hog. Our feet are like hooves. The King called and was upset with tardiness. I ama hypocrite for claiming to be punctual.
A new phenomona known as "extreme locking" has swept the EC cycling community. Despite ridicule by some, it turns out that a properly executed "fakie, upside-down double dutch lock" can make or break a bike ride.
Many 40s were drank on the banks of the mighty roaring Chippewa.
I watched someone get their feet tattooed.
I moved 3000 records by myself, I am strong.
And a bunch of other stuff happened that kept me busy all week without allowing me to do things I should have done(the classic eating fallafal and beer vs. reading Sun Chief and doing research, dilema). And on top of that it looks like the rest of this month is gong to be equally as crazy. And while my academic carreer may be at stake I am sure things will go as smoothly as one could possibly anticipate.
Anyway, I promise there will be pictures and stories and all sorts of fun things next time I post. But mos timportantly this Thursday is the Thursday Night Spring Formal. Dress nice, and be ready for a rollicking good time. I know it is supposed to get cold, but do not let that lessen the formality of the event. Pipe smoking, fine wines, and tweed are encouraged.
I took the rack off my bike.
I put fenders on (they are tied on with bike tubes, NJS approved)
Chris and I shred the gnar at Kristophs mini-ramp. (I use the term "Shred gnar" very liberally and it can often be used interchangibly with "fell down and hurt my shin")
Thursday night ride was big time party people fun times with a campfire at Mt. Simon.
A fry and burger machine was installed behind the couch at 1029. The Hi-C machine is broken.
We hung out under a bridge and ate baked goods. Derik is a banana cake hog. Our feet are like hooves. The King called and was upset with tardiness. I ama hypocrite for claiming to be punctual.
A new phenomona known as "extreme locking" has swept the EC cycling community. Despite ridicule by some, it turns out that a properly executed "fakie, upside-down double dutch lock" can make or break a bike ride.
Many 40s were drank on the banks of the mighty roaring Chippewa.
I watched someone get their feet tattooed.
I moved 3000 records by myself, I am strong.
And a bunch of other stuff happened that kept me busy all week without allowing me to do things I should have done(the classic eating fallafal and beer vs. reading Sun Chief and doing research, dilema). And on top of that it looks like the rest of this month is gong to be equally as crazy. And while my academic carreer may be at stake I am sure things will go as smoothly as one could possibly anticipate.
Anyway, I promise there will be pictures and stories and all sorts of fun things next time I post. But mos timportantly this Thursday is the Thursday Night Spring Formal. Dress nice, and be ready for a rollicking good time. I know it is supposed to get cold, but do not let that lessen the formality of the event. Pipe smoking, fine wines, and tweed are encouraged.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The nanbury Bike Project (Unofficial name) was on tv 13 last night. See beautiful people here!
The next super exciting extrordinary bike fix-up/pot luck/funfest is this Saturday! Do not forget! Here is the info taken from EC Bikes.
"The Banbury Bike Project will be hosting another workshop this Saturday March 14th from 12 - 5pm at The Banbury Place in Building 17. We'll have food, bike games and kubb! Bring your bike, something to share, some tools and a friend!We will be fixing up bikes for the Eau Claire Community Earth Day Celebration on April 25th at Owen Park. At the Earth Day Celebration we will be holding a bike auction/ adoption, bike valet with free minor tune ups, and recruit donations of bikes, parts, and tools. Let me know if you would like to volunteer with us on April 25th - we are going to need plenty of help! "
The next super exciting extrordinary bike fix-up/pot luck/funfest is this Saturday! Do not forget! Here is the info taken from EC Bikes.
"The Banbury Bike Project will be hosting another workshop this Saturday March 14th from 12 - 5pm at The Banbury Place in Building 17. We'll have food, bike games and kubb! Bring your bike, something to share, some tools and a friend!We will be fixing up bikes for the Eau Claire Community Earth Day Celebration on April 25th at Owen Park. At the Earth Day Celebration we will be holding a bike auction/ adoption, bike valet with free minor tune ups, and recruit donations of bikes, parts, and tools. Let me know if you would like to volunteer with us on April 25th - we are going to need plenty of help! "
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The first hints of spring time are here, and that means it is time to start anew. It also means a time for reflection. After reading the comment left by "annonymous" I am curious what your (yes you, I can see you through your computer screen) votes for top 5 worse places to ride bike in eau claire are. Nothing profound here, just an honest inquiry open to any readers who may wish to share their disdane for the city of eau claires most bike unfriendly streets. So my vote goes for:
1.The stretch of first ave heading south that has a monster crack that eats my tire at least once a year.
2. Same intersection (first and lake) heading north and taking a right onto the lake st. bridge. Swimming pool pot holes filed in periodicly with blacktop which only seems to exacerbate things.
3. The entiretly of downtown. Im convinced that come spring they are just going to dump thumb tacks and broken glass on the streets and put bear traps in the pot holes.
4. Madison St. Once you get to nelsons the road is non-existent the rest of the way.
5. Starr ave.
That was fun. Post a comment and try it. It's really something else.
I suppose I could also do top 5 best places, but im tired. And I dont want to right now. because Im tired.
thats all
and really i want to hear your opinion on the matter, so i had better get at least one comment. or else I will make empty threats via the internet.
thats all. For realsies.
1.The stretch of first ave heading south that has a monster crack that eats my tire at least once a year.
2. Same intersection (first and lake) heading north and taking a right onto the lake st. bridge. Swimming pool pot holes filed in periodicly with blacktop which only seems to exacerbate things.
3. The entiretly of downtown. Im convinced that come spring they are just going to dump thumb tacks and broken glass on the streets and put bear traps in the pot holes.
4. Madison St. Once you get to nelsons the road is non-existent the rest of the way.
5. Starr ave.
That was fun. Post a comment and try it. It's really something else.
I suppose I could also do top 5 best places, but im tired. And I dont want to right now. because Im tired.
thats all
and really i want to hear your opinion on the matter, so i had better get at least one comment. or else I will make empty threats via the internet.
thats all. For realsies.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Submissions needed!
We are starting to plan the valleycat race for this spring and need art submissions for both flyers and the t-shirt. please send any submissions to or just give them to me in person. anything is being considered. The desighn picked for the shirts will be printed on all of the shirts given out at this years valleycat. Please keep t-shirt designs simple (black on white, white on black) because we dont have the money to get fancy pants color designs printed. Flyers and shirts will be distributed all over the place, so this is a good way to get your art out there. Please have submissions in by April 1st.
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