Thursday, December 17, 2009
Bike Tokyo
Stay warm and ride hard. See you all in a month!
Friday, December 11, 2009
2 things
1. A guy pulls up to a biker with his kid in his car and shoots the cyclist in the head. He was sentenced to 4 months.
The only thing that stopped the cyclist from being killed was his bike helmet. Think about it...
2. no chain!
Liam Fahy Hampton Animal Edit From Stowmedia Dec 2009 from StowMedia on Vimeo.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thats all TNR tonight. Same time and place. I will be in Menomonie, but you should be there.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Bike Crackdown in Phillidelphia

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
It doesn't like it when I ride my bike and drink and stay up till 3am on weeknights. I however like all of those things very much. Even if it means sleeping in late and missing two quizes.
Last night I got a flat tire, we rode our bikes all over the place, hopped a median and ran across the highway, went back downtown, ate cookies, and then we got drunk and rowdy at the Last Chance. Dupster dove some pizza and went home. It was very fun, I am very tired and am going to go pass out at home now.
Lets build our very own x-games bmx ramp course.
Also, magyar showed off his first custom made bag. It looks fucking awesome. Rumor is that he will be making more this winter so keep your eyes peeled...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Beauty and the Bike Short
" This is an 8 minute version of our 55 minute documentary Beauty and the Bike. The film follows two groups of young women from Darlington and Bremen. Between them, they discover what makes - and stops - teenage girls from cycling."
via Bikejerks
I think it is funny to hear the guy say that they make a deliberate point of putting cyclist rights in front of motorists. It is interesting to think about how much of a shit stork that would raise here. But when you think about it it only makes sense. A completely non-obstructive form of transportation that has almost no impact on the environment, is better for the rider and every one else around them. vs one of the most environmentally detrimental machines ever made responsible for the deaths of thousands every single year.
I don't really like making bold anti-car statements most of the time because I do feel like their is obviously a place and time for cars. but when you actually see places giving priority to alternative transportation you can't help but wonder what is so gad damn backwards about this country and it's priorities.
See ya then.
6:30 Tonight
Meet at racys
kick ass
Monday, November 30, 2009
3 hour walk
In the meantime look at this write up Derek did about dynamos on the EC velo blog:
And watch this awesome John Darnielle (from the mountain goats) video
John Darnielle - Autoclave - A Take Away Show from one shot seattle on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Stolen (another one!?!)
"be on the lookout for my old bike. it was stolen last night from my friend gillian. if you recall, it's a white fuji frame, black velocity arrowheads with black iro hubs. "
It has some orange on it and flop and chop bullhorns I believe. If you see it around take apropriate measures to re-acquire it. This bike stealing thing is getting rediculous. If it is not yours keep your damn paws off.
If it is lock your shit up and hope for the best.
Then I went to Milwaukee and hung out in Riverwest all weekend...
I'm re-thinking my position...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Vids kids
VéLOrue Montage from Bill Bottriell on Vimeo.
This is also really cool.
KILROY - Teaser I of IV from Gorilla Bicycles on Vimeo.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
anything you want
It's been a long time since I've posted anything here. I've been pretty busy, and unfortunetly I've been off of my bike other than just gettinga round lately. Last night was the first time in a week or more that I've gone on a ride just to go on a ride, and by 9:30 I realized that I shoul dreally be doing a 100 other things. It's frustrating to say the least, but other than that I am happy with life right now.
Not a ton of other news. The weather has been beautiful, so go for a bike ride.
See you tomorrow night.
I'm thinking of selling my bike and buying this instead. There seems to be a rash of them on EC craigslist of late, so strike while the iron is hot.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Things to note
Sunday, November 1, 2009
2 on the ground

All this is really about is that I am happy with this year. Not all of it, there was a lot of crappy parts. But there always is. And I know I write about a lot of the same things, but that is reassuring. Because that means that they are still happening. And I could do these things forever. Even on the crappiest days I can get on my bike and realize that I have that at the very least. Which is something remarkable that not everyone can say. We are lucky to have a scene and friends that get it.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Check it out.
Also I got an invite to play polo with those dudes on Halloween around two. I think I am going to take them up. Contact me if you are interested.
Thats all.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Cover Thief
Friday, October 23, 2009
Nov.7, 2pm Cash purse and prizes.
All bikes allowed. Dress warm, get dirty. Spectators strongly encouraged.
In case you aren't familiar with cross racing...
On an unrelated note. Someone recently stole a single speed mountain bike from a friend.
It has a gray VooDoo frame, a neon yellow fork, and purple grips. It also has really fat Maxxis Holy Roller tires and a black and red WTB saddle. If you see this bike around town it is stolen, take whatever course of action you deem necessary, but at least notify someone.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
University Cycling Club ride today at 4. Meet at the clock tower.
THURSDAY NIGHT RIDE!! Same time and place(for 2 years?!), Racys 6:30. Be there or be square.
Also, this is really cool. I've got some serious questions about bike choice/setup(steerer tube length? stock rear wheel?) but still very cool. FGG is also having a photo contest that you can win a new IRO in and support MS research. Check it out here.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
We drank 100 beers in around 45 minutes and hung out for a while before deciding to head to Maple Manor to continue the festivities.
There was just an awesome energy the whole night. Lots of awesome people I have never met and lots of old friends. Lots of beer and shots for everyone in the bar. Tons of smiling faces and bike talk. I'm a little bummed that I was feeling so tired/sick because I would have loved to have gotten a little crazier with you all.
Keep your eyes peeled, I will try to get placings up here ASAP. If you would like an additional manifest or spoke card contact me and I will try to get you one seeing as how we have some surplus.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
So little so late
It was less than awe inspiring to say the least. The plan basically consisted of making the city better accommodating to bicycles and pedestrians. Not necessarily welcoming, just kind of allowing us to get around a little easier. It is hard to criticize these people because I'm well aware that their hearts are in the right places, but really? 20 years from now all we are supposed to look forward to is a couple new bike trails and sidewalks. Maybe a few new bicycle lanes. Keep in mind this is on the low end of the estimated time frame as well. So by the time I am 45 I can expect Eau Claire to be "kind of" bicycle friendly? I understand budget constraints and planning problems, but I also understand that right now the general population is at it's peak of environmental consciousness and that there is probably no better time to imagine planning a comprehensive bike network.
Derek recomended I look at what happened in Boulder Colarado over a 20 year span, so I did via Craig Brauns blog. And you should too.
Boulder Bike Story from Bikes Belong on Vimeo.
On the upside it was pretty cool to see a bunch of people who have been riding in Eau Claire for years and years(We were probably the only ones under the age of 40) talk about the streets and routes to get around like most people talk about sitcoms. They know every facet of every street in the city and thats really inspirational to see. I doubt most people who have been driving around Eau Claire for 15 years know half of the ways around the city that cyclists learn after half that amount of time.It was also validating to hear people who have been working on a plan for years say that one of the biggest obstacles to creating a positive cycling community is gaining acceptance as a valid for of transportation by the majority. Most of the time I think BPAC send a message that bicycling is just one big happy fun fair. It's not. It's not fun to have people drive by and yell faggot at you when you are trying to get home from work, or run to the store. No one should have to deal with that no matter what.
I only wish that I brought up the fact that the certain members of our police force have that same adversarial attitude towards cyclists. A certain recent episode with a police officer pulling us over to warn us to "respect the vehicles" and drive away. But the second the police force is critiqued you are branded as some sort of radical militant who throws blind orphans in front of cars.
In any case, I implore you to look at the lack-luster plan online and send BPAC an e-mail with your ideas. Stay dry.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Goings on
Check in begins at 1:30 p.m., rain or shine, from the Schofield Hall circle parking lot. This is a 21 mile informal, noncompetitive bike ride around Eau Claire and Altoona using a mix of bike trails and city streets.
Suggested donations: $10 for general public; $5 for UW-Eau Claire students. Proceeds will go to improving bike parking on campus "
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sounds wind makes
Interbike also happened. If you don't know Interbike is an annual trade show in Las Vegas.The best coverage I saw was over at Hipster Nascar where they have all kinds of pretty photos. Look here and go googly eyed.
Thats all, don't blow away.