"It's kind of late to be riding a bike isn't it!"
"It's kind of late to be walking isn't it?" <---Mistake #1 Never respond to drunken passer bys
"Fuck you you fucking faggot bitch!"
It was here I made mistake #2, stopped my biie, and turned around to see if this guy was for real. He was.
I stopped and did a track stand to pose my inquiry. "Are you serious?"
My answer came in the form of being pushed off of my bike, kneed in the gut as I got up and kicked in the stomach once while I recovered.
Mistake #3 I get up and push back. By this point I realize that I am far to drunk/upset/tired to be doing this. I don't like doing this sort of thing in any condition, but certainly not this one.
And this is where the fun starts.
He does a wierd open handed punch thing that proves ineffectual except for knocking off my hat. I have no intention on fighting someone 3x bigger than me who is clearly angry, drunk, and has the mouth of a sailor. He shoves me around for another minite calling me every name in the book including the all encompassing "Fuck you you pussy ass nigger faggot bitch"(Yes, that is verbatim)
I just kept pushing him back and telling him to go home while his girlfriend yelled at him telling him to stop. He doesnt stop and takes a few more swings which were pretty hollow gestures seeing as how they both seemed to land at least half a foot away from me.
He kept pushing and yelling names when eventually it was to much for me.
I couldnt stop laughing. I think the culmanation of a shitty night into that one situation just was to much. Honestly getting into a tussle with a drunken frat boy who keeps yelling the same words over and over after a long shitty night just seemed like it would be impossible to laugh at at the time.
He kept it up for a little longer and I kept laughing, he threatened to kill me a bunch of times. and eventually I sensed he was tired enough so I took the opportunity to turn around and walk away. I was still giggling and he was still swearing threatining to kill "my pusssy ass" if he ever sees me again.
It wasnt untill after this whole altercation that I got really upset. I lost my glasses and my hat, and had to wander around the street looking for them, feeling like shit for stopping when I knew I should have just kept going. never stop, just keep going. I guess I didnt really get my ass kicked considering the most damage done was a bloody pinky, a sore chest, and a bump on my shin (Still dont understand the pinky and shin) It was just depressing to think that people like that guy exist. People who have so much fucking animosity for anything different that they have to try to punch it whenever the feel any interaction. I still cant wrap my head around the fact that not only do people like that exist, they have other people like them who are their friends. This guy who was perfectly comfortable getting into a fight with a random stranger and yelling "nigger ass faggot bitch" repetedly in the middle of a city has a girlfriend. And she might love him, and they might get married, and have kids. And he will teach his kids all he knows. And that is scary. I understand that we are all just trying to find things that make us happy, and for some fucked up reason this is what this guy is comfortable doing, and how he is comfortable interacting with others, and there are dozens of other like him. It just bothers me regardless. I can't help buit wonder if he would pull this shit if his mom was there, or if he was sober, or any other number of variables were in play. Maybe he would have been ok. I doubt it though. I wonder if the girls friends approve of her boyfriend or if they think he has a bad temper. I wonder if he hits her. I wonder if he will go to prison some day. I wonder if he has hurt other people before, and maybe Im lucky that he didnt "kill my ass". Or maybe he will be a lawyer, or a ceo, or own a buisness.
Buy the time I got home I dont think I could have been more upset with the world. I just dont get it sometimes. I don't think he gets it any more than I do, and I doubt he has nearly as many good people around him sometimes as I do, but I guess that also falls into the ignorance is bliss category. This morning I felt almost as shitty as I did last night, but by 1 I was getting better. I went out and rode my bike, and did some chores, and felt 100 times better. It still kind of shakes me up thinking about how dumb I acted, and how dumb the whole situation was, and how much worse it could have been if either party had deemed it. But riding bikes, spening time by yourself on pretty days, and talking to good friends helps alot. It also helps to be able to sit and laugh at the whole dumb situation. There really is no conslusion here, other than watch your backs, because you never know when one person will be able to fuck up your day/night/week/life in a few short minites. Ride the lightning.
On a more important note:
If you havn't heard, Mike Aitken a professional BMX rider was recently hospitalized with severe head trauma after an accident. We are bikers, not basketball players, and any amount of a donation to help his recovery would sureley result in nothing but good karma. Watch his videos, and make a donation, its easy. Maybe some day the same will happen to us.