This weekend was awesome. I drank lots of coffee, hung out with awesome people, enjoyed my job, ate tons, drank too much, and danced for a long time. I had lots and lots of fun. It was a totally welcome departure from the weekdays. With school back in action, a new job, and all the other crap to stress about I was running on empty for a while. Nighttime phone calls from hospitals didn't help, nor does running out of money. The weekend gave me a lot to think about. I never really realize how lucky I am to have so many awesome people around, it's really easy to take that kind of thing for granted. After a long night of dancing, drinking, and debauchary (and alliteration) Sunday afternoon I woke up semi-hungover, and still a little drunk. I got in my car, turned on my walkman (my radio doesnt work) and drove back to cornell to visit my dad. We hung out for a while, and I wandered around the house bored, then I went into town to get some groceries for dinner. It was really weird. Im only in Cornell once every couple months or so, and Im usually only there for 10 or 15 minutes. When I got to town I decided to drive around for a while and check out what had changed. Every street has memories on it. Even the lame stuff like the parking lot where I parked my car at school. It's just a stupid piece of blacktop, but its a stupid piece of black top that I laid on, drove on, ate on, played on, and all kinds of other things for 4 years. I called up Miles and hung out with him for an hour or so, and remembered just how shitty this city was. Juxtaposed against the backdrop of fond memories that I had just gone through it was a bit of a mindfuck. It was kind of sad realizing that the only thing that kept my friends and I sane through school was the fact that we had a group of people that was like minded, and encouraged each other to get out. We bypassed so much stupid high school drama and bull shit just by carving out our own little place and building off of each other to do something besides off ourselves or everyone around us. I talked to Miles about some of the shit that I went through this summer, and realized that I am really happy with my life right now. And although that that support structure that I had established to stay sane in high school is gone, I've kind of developed a new one. And I like it, a lot. Things are always going to suck sometimes. A lot has changed, and Im dealing with a lot of shit now that I never thought I would have to deal with, or even had a concept of when I was a pissed of 18 year old. but then I realize that I made it through those years fine, and I can probably handle these ok too. I guess thats it, I managed to kill 20 minutes now I get to go to class.
Top 5 memorable places in my hometown.
1. The high school(includes adjacent athletic fields)
2. Brunet Park
3. The skate park
4. townline road where I pretty much learned to drive, and spent a lot of time in ditches
5. Supervalu
there are a lot more(city park, ozzies house, cobbin bridge, the bike trail bridge, the bails by the paper mill, etc.) and I feel like those might have been bad picks, but whatever
Im done now
Non-whimpy stuff