Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's a record

More posts this month than in any month prior! Thats all. It's nice out so I'm goign to ride my bike allll day. Tomorrow is may day so cut your classes. I'm not doing the Thursday ride because I will be at a screening of "Network" at HHH101 6pm. Do it!

Monday, April 28, 2008


I hate allergies. My head feels like it's going to explode, and when my eyes aren't wattering they feel like they are going to pop out of my skull. It seems like every year they get worse and worse, a testament to the air quality around here? It's strange remembering a few years ago when I saw my first air quality advisory in Eau Claire. Really depressing really, here we are in the "northwoods" or "heartland" or heartwoods and you can't even leave your house in the winter because the air isn't fit to breathe. Today I got yelled at by some guy in a campus van after I went in front of him because he was stopped for me. A lesson to those who care to listen. Sometimes you don't need to put your feet down to be stopped, and when I stand in place on my bike for 15 seconds waiting for you to go, GO. Any way, Thursday night against my better judgement I went to menopmonie for the Thurs. night ride. Against my better judgement because I still had alot of moving to do, and I knew I was going to get soaked. All that aside we went to Menomonie and met up With Chris's friend zach(?) and hit the road. I was wearing a cottone sweater and jeans. Wet wet wet. Stopped some bike shop being run by 16 year old skaters. They had some pretty cool stuff. It wasn't quite fit to go ride more so we stopped at a bar and had a drink. I hadn't ate all day so the alcohol took its tole quick. After that we went to a pretty cool bar called the meet Market and hung out for a while, and topped it off with a piutcher at "the Pub" a really cool bar with excerecise equipment in it, and that cool bike on the top of this page. By that time the rain had let up so we rode for a while. A really lousy game of footdown resulted in Derrik FALLING OVER COMPLETLY ON HIS OWN, and we ended up at the Monomnie skatepark somehow. I don't remember much else, other than eating at burger king and riding home late.

Friday was critical mass which was small but with an iron will to ride, on a dark and dreary day. after the mass I moved some more and ehaded down to the joint around 8. Spent less than $20 all night and stayed till bar close talking to really cool people, and having a really good time. Nights like that make me really love Eau Claire, and think about ow many cool people there are in this town that I meet and wish I could hang out with them forever, unfortunetly usually I'm so socially akward I don't know what o say to people after talking to them for 2 minites. Saterday was suppose to be the Earth Day celebration, but it was canceled due to snow and wind. Dan and I moved some bikes and picked up a couch and hung out for a while. Afterwards I went grocery shopping, made a bunch of homemade veggie burgers, and rented movies. Lazy all day untill around 8 when I went to he joynt for a while, and headed over to HOR to see Flags play. I was tired and kind of felt like shit so I headed bqck to the joynt breifly, visited katie at NYPD and went home around 12. Over all, despite allergies and snow, it was a really good weekend, and I finally got move into my new place. My fridge finally started working so I can actually keep food cold now, and more importantly fill my freeer with ice cream. So not really much else hapening. Just kind of trying to prepare for final projects and finals. Realizing that school is done in like two weeks, scary scary scary. speaking of which I need to go find a bunch of books to write a paper due tomorrow, I'm a terrible student.

P.S. Blogger is being extrordinarily stupid and postin g pictures and links has been getting incresingly difficult for me to do so pardon the text heaviness, and crappy linkage.

P.P.S. I've been Emo as fuck latley and these are alot of the really good bands I've been listening to.


Indian Summer

Her Space Holiday


Thursday, April 24, 2008


I generally try to stray away from writing about poiltics and stuff, but I found this shit hilarious. <- full article.

It's such a fictional departure from any political event I've ever gone to or been a part of. Total hilarious bullshit. Not to mention it was published in Elle. Just another exmple of the media fear mongering, trying to make anyone that lives any diffferent than the "acceptable" image look like a terrorist. Don't believe everything you read, if you did you wold proebobly think anyone who rides a bike, or dumpster dives is a "eco-terrorist". What a joke

Also if anyone remembers the crack down on critical mass in the Cities a while back the riders arrested in that case have all been aquited. Read more here.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brain seepage.

Im busy busy busy. I have to be out of my place in 4 days, have a six page paper due tomorrow at 11am, which I havn't started working on yet, and a bunch of other stuff going on. CRITICAL MASS IS FRIDAY!! GO AND HAVE FUN!Sure it's suppose to be cold and rainy but who cares! Not to mention the super big bummer that they are talking about snow on Sunday. God damn you 45th parallel. Also weather permitting the big earth day celebration is this Saturday. Last year we just took a bunch of bike down and hung out and had a really good time. You should ride down and check it out. More info here I'm thinking maybe we should have a joust to shake things up a little... Or at least a good ride later in the night. Now Im going to go punch the guy sitting next to me in the ear for having his Ipod up so loud I can here him listening to Nickleback from here.

Monday, April 21, 2008

It's to nice out to write. That said I've almost got my touring bike done, it just needs bars, brakes, gears, and bags. It should be done in the next week, and hopefully be ready for critical mass friday.

I've been trying to ride alot more BMX because winter made me forget just how much fun it can be. I'm also getting really exciterd about the May 10 alleycat, and watching alot of track racing on youtube. Thats all, go outside.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I do what I want, sometimes.

It's 65 degrees out and I'm expected to sit in class all day. Not hapening. First off a big thanks to everyone that made it out to BFF. I had a really good time, and hope everyone else did. I'm really no trouble was had other than a few technical dificulties. It's never a good sign when there is tape all over the DVD player, presumabley holding it together. Today I was heading to class to fail a quiz, when I asked if that is really how I wanted to start my day off. The answer was a resounding no. Just as I was walking out of the building THomas called me and told me that he just quit his job. I guess spring is in the air, and it's just not right to be sitting inside on days like today. We rode up to Mt. Simon and hung out on the cliffs and had a beer and talked shit about the things we don't like. It was a really good time, but after a while we took off and headed back downtown. My tire got another hole in it, and we sat around the gas station while I patched it. This makes 3 patches, the tire is clearly fucked but I can't find the thing that keeps puncturing my tube. Unfortunetly it looks like Im stuck investing in a new tube and tire. Major bummer. I got alkl patched up and we rode down to Buddhas to hang out for a while. I found out that the teenage mutant nionja turtles are only suppose to be 15 years old, while April O'Neil is 27. There is something very disturbing about that. I went out to my bike to find out my tire had gone flat again. Ran home and got another bike to head to class to drop off a paper that was due. As usual when I write a paper the night before, the prof pushes back the date, so my hustle was in vain. Now I am here seriously wondering how one class can throw me for such a loop. An hour and a half ago I was on top of the world, now I can't help but think about all the shit I should have done this morning, and all of the things I should do tonight. I'm stressing over school and work and life and how am I going to get all of this done with so little time left? I guess all of the shit I talked earlier today is coming back and getting rubbed in may face. It's fun and easy to blow off obligations, but it leads to a major headfuck once you decide to do them. So I guess the moral of the story is do what you want to do, sometimes. Or else do it all the time and forget the consequences.

After I wrote all of that I got another call from Thomas. Aparently a change in venu was hapening at his other job, and to celebrate we went out for drinks. It was a long good night. We went to Bens house and had a few, then headed down to the joynt for a while and hung out for a long time untill we decided to head back to bens. We stopped at Pad Thai and had some awesome food, which I ate way to much of. Finally got back to the house played video games and drank. John, Amanda and Lauren all came over and it was a really good time. Around midnight we headed to the Stones Throw for bloody marys, and ran into Tony from Underloud. We all sat around and shot the shit for a while untill Tony took off and we headed down to Bottle and Barrel to finish off the night with some awesome dancing to some awesome music. During the course of the day I payed maybe $8 for good beer, good food, and good company. I gues sthe point of all this is that when I left from writing the first part of this I was in a kind of depressed mood, but it's amazing how quick that can turn around. Especially when you are surrounded by good people. I guess it's really our friends and familey who pull us through life.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


There has been recent rash of bike theivery going on. I know of three people in the past few weeks who have gotten bikes stolen. Everyone remember to lock your shit up. If you know someone jacking bikes, kill them, make it slow and painful. I'm going to write more shit laer, but I'm busy. In any case this bike¤t=11-18-07008.jpg was stolen and there is a $50 reward for it. Hit me up with any info. Also if anyone else ever gets there bike stolen send me a picture and I'll try to get it ou on the internets.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Why I have friends

I fond oversized frames, get bored, build bikes, and give them away.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tiny lights below

Spring time in Eau Claire means it's time for the river to flood over on the bike trail. The levels are up and the current is rushing. I saw some people out fishing yesterday, and couldn't help but wonder how there boat didn't tip over. The weather is miserable, and it looks like it's going to stay that way for at least the rest of the week. Which hopefully will provide incentive for people to attend the BFF. Yesteday Anna and I went out to eat and on the way out I grabbed a new Volume One. To my suprise right there on the cover was "Bicycle Film Fest" WHAT? I checked it out and sure enough V1 was kind enough to do a little write up on the ECBFF. Which is an awesome little bit of promotion. About a minuite into looking at the article my phone rang. It was the Leader-Telegram looking for the scoop. They were looking for some pictures so I told them to stop by the THur. night ride tonight, so anyone looking to get their mug in the Leader-Telegram should stop by Racy's 6:30 tonight. This is subject to change, however it sounds like it should happen.
Yesterday I spent a while moving into my new place on Hobart. It's getting pretty exciting. I guess it's the whole springtime idea of rebirth or whatever. The idea of moving to a new house having new(crazy) neighbors, getting new routes around town, etc. is really cool. Granted it's kind of scary, and kind of sucks moving further away from downtown, but I think I can handle it. I'm nervous as hell about the BFF, and I hope attendence is good. I've been thing alto abuot all the places I could have put flyers, and all the people I should have talked to to help promote but didn't. I guess at this pont it's really out of my hands, and up to everyone else to make it a work well. I'll probobly be bringing a small grill and some boca burgers, hopefully the weather will permit some grilling. I'm also quickly realizing the need for me to get to work on my touring tall bike. Once again I'll blaim it on the weather. I gues I'm goign to go do some last minuite flyering.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So while my dads car was parked overnight by the mall somebody took a baseball bat to the rear windshield. This is totally fucking sensless. My dad drives a 90' BMW, which he completly rebuilt. I assume is the reason his car was picked to get smashed was solely because it was a BMW. By those standards My old car (Mercedes Benz 190e) should have gotten the window smashed out also. The point I'm trying to get across is don't fuck with peoples cars. I assume whoever did this was either A. Drunken frat boy or B.Angsty 14 year old, but if anyone has any information please hit me up with it. This sort of thing is just stupid, and makes me sad. No, I'm not a big fan of cars, but I also respect that lots of people from all kinds of different social/economic backgrounds drive and depend on their cars. How would anyone like it if they got their tires slashed, or rims smashed in? Like I said this isn't an accusation of anybody involved in the EC bike scene in any way, it's simply me gettin gthis off my chest.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring (again and again and again)

Two days ago I was outside eating food off of a grill, riding in a t-shirt, andsitting on the sidewalk eating day old bread with friends while they smoked a hooka.

Today i woke up and it was snowing outside.

That's Wisconsin

Saturday, April 5, 2008

On the radio

I'm going to be on the radio Sun. 6 7pm on Scott Morfitts show Local Independence. I don't know what Im goign to be talking about, but tune in. 89.7fm Sun. 7pm

Friday, April 4, 2008

Clipless pedals are for losers, uh huh.

I can't get over spring. Every day for the past week I've been on my bike at least 4 hours. Not even a sweater. The idea of this being the kind of weather we will have for the next 4 months seems impossible, but I'm looking forward to it sooooo much. Yesterday was a really good day. I rode all over town dropping off flyers for the BFF. I saw at least 5 fixed gears or single speeds that I havn't seen all winter. And every one of those people should come to the Thursday night ride. Anna and I stopped down at midwest for a little while and then my house. I signed a lease for my new place on Hobart, which take a huge load off my mind knowing I will have somewhere to live in a month. Then Anna, Katie and I rode bikes around town some more, and relaxed over at Pheonix park for a while. Rode over to Banbury and walked around the building looking for an office that got relocated to Chippewa. By that time we were hungry so we went to country kitchen to eat. I got big veggie omlette, 2 pancakes, hasbrowns, coffee and pie. God I love breakfast. By that time we headed back into town so I could go to the Thursday night ride. I got to Racys early because I always forget if we are suippose to meet at 6 or 6:30. Which was kind of convinient anyway because all we did for about and hour or more was sit around outside and enjoy the weather. WHen we finally hit the road we rode with Zachers to go check out his new IRO which is an incredible looking bike, and I can't help but be jelous of the deal he got on it. AFter that we rode to Mt. Simon and sat around for a while and had a couple drinks. It started to get chilly so we took off for Mt. Tom. En route we stopped and played a few rounds of foot down, and played around on the slants over by Banbury for a while, and Chris did a little drop off a narrow ledge on his bianchi. From there we headed out to Mt. Tom for another really pretty view of the city. Had another couple drinks and got cold again. Got scared going down the hill and foot braked alot of the way down, because I didnt want to smash into a fence. From there we rode around trying to find a good parking lot to do sprints and more foot down in. We rode for a while and eventually ended up behind Mega. Drank some, more played a redicoulous amount of foot down, sprinted. Did a bunch of track stands, backwards circles, attempts at wheelies, overbar no handed skids, etc. etc. It was all a really good time and eventually ended in a skid comp that blew out Chris's tire, and nearly went through mine. After a tire patch and rotation session we split up and I headed home. Fortunetly my tire help up untill I got to the Grand ave. foot bridge when it blew out and I walked the rest of the way home.

When I got home rather than go to sleep I decided to tear my bike apart and clean it up a little. I regreased my headset and cleaned up my rims a bit. I'm already excited about riding again next week. Goign fast is fun, but I'm the kind of person that likes to hang out and dick around on bikes, alot. I guess that kind of person could be called a hipster, and I've mad fun of kids doing bunny hops on fixed gears too, but what can I say. I guess that makes me a hypocrite, so be it. I'm also pretty excited and nervous about the BFF. I'm just hoping the attendence is good. Anyone reading this should invite anyone and everyone they know. It would be cool to get some people from out of EC to show up also. The stronger a bike scene we have regionally the better. I've been sitting here for far to long, and I've only got a couple hours before work, so I'm going to go eat food and ride bike.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I was browsing the WI Historical society site, because I'm a nerd, and I found a bunch of old pictures of bikers in Wisconsin. I love old pictures of cyclists, just because I feel like riding a bike is a really positive common experience that can translate easily across time. It's cool to look at the pictures and be able to know more or less exaclty how these people are feeling while they ride. Anyway here are a few of my favorites.

Prarie cat?

Check out the rake in the head tube.

I love all the people standing in the background dressed really nice watching these two ride by.
"Sweet Schwin Billy!"
Velodrome in Milwaukee
Janette Serac "Age should be only a ripening, not a withering"
Notice the two on the lower right

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I can't help but feel like everytime I begin to think summer is on it's way, and get really excited about wearing shorts, going camping, sitting around fires, swimming, etc, nature find some way to shit us. I guess at the same time it does seem kind of warented that nature be pissed off and keep thworing more crappy weather our way. After all we've gotten the better of nature for a long time, I'm kind of suprised the planet doesn't just spontaneously combust as some sort of cosmic punishment for people generally being ignorant pricks in the ways that we have "taken care" of the planet over the last century.

Friday was critical mass. The turnout was strong, and everyone seemed to be in a really positive mood (which I attribute to the almighty ABBA) We took the usual route and got hasseled by the cops twice, cut off a few times, honked at alot, so it was a pretty typical ride. It's really cool to be able to go out and ridearound for an hour or so with a group of friends and have complete control over your lane. It's kind of sad however that even with 30 some bikers on the road we are all suceptible to being run down by some car having a bad day. It's really kind of sick how offended some people and police get by a bunch of people riding their bikes in the road, especially considering it is entirely legal. I really think one of these days we should look at organizing a regional critical mass drawing in cyclists from menomnie/Chippewa/and all the surrounding cities. I can only imagine what it would look like seeing 60+ bikers going down Water St. Anyway critical mass was really fun on Friday and if you want to learn more about Critical mass check out the film "still we ride" which is showing at the ECBFF or read more at wikipedia.
Also magyar has more pictures from friday on his site.

After the mass split a few of us rode to the parking garage and sat around for a while untill we went our different ways. Later Friday night I went to Ska fest, which was kind of a disapointment because I didn't end up making any money. I guess kids nowadays just don't listen to the music they used to. I overheard one person eyeing up a bad brains cd say "I've heard of these guys but I don't know who they are" There goes my faith in humanity. Saturday I went to Cornell to visit my dad and begin work on my touring tall bike. It was pretty uneventful, but made me realiza once again how bad I am at welding. I changed the design for the bike from being an extended bottom frame like on the triple tall, to a simple design with a front rack welded to the frame. That will be where most my weight is put and should keep the bike relativley balanced. My dad also gave me a pair of incredible leather saddle bags meant for a motorcycle. I don't know if I'll use them, but they even have tassles for christ sake!

Dead tall bike
Now I'm just waiting to throw some decent tires on that bike and gear it up. From there it's just amatter of riding the thing every day untill my tour to ensure that it will saty in one piece and I can get used to it. Every day for the past week I've been looking at my tour map and getting more excited about it. It's scary to think about leaving for a month or more with nothing more than your bike, and what you can carry, but at the same time I'm really excited to do it.
In other news I might be doing an interview for the radio show "Local Independence" this Sunday, so listen out for it.
Other bike related news there is a BMX event going on Sat. June 15th in Rice Lake, more info
Grinders Bike Jam
Sat. June 15th
RiceLake Skate Park
Bands Playing Afterwards
More info to come or contact for more info.