I hate allergies. My head feels like it's going to explode, and when my eyes aren't wattering they feel like they are going to pop out of my skull. It seems like every year they get worse and worse, a testament to the air quality around here? It's strange remembering a few years ago when I saw my first air quality advisory in Eau Claire. Really depressing really, here we are in the "northwoods" or "heartland" or heartwoods and you can't even leave your house in the winter because the air isn't fit to breathe. Today I got yelled at by some guy in a campus van after I went in front of him because he was stopped for me. A lesson to those who care to listen. Sometimes you don't need to put your feet down to be stopped, and when I stand in place on my bike for 15 seconds waiting for you to go, GO. Any way, Thursday night against my better judgement I went to menopmonie for the Thurs. night ride. Against my better judgement because I still had alot of moving to do, and I knew I was going to get soaked. All that aside we went to Menomonie and met up With Chris's friend zach(?) and hit the road. I was wearing a cottone sweater and jeans. Wet wet wet. Stopped some bike shop being run by 16 year old skaters. They had some pretty cool stuff. It wasn't quite fit to go ride more so we stopped at a bar and had a drink. I hadn't ate all day so the alcohol took its tole quick. After that we went to a pretty cool bar called the meet Market and hung out for a while, and topped it off with a piutcher at "the Pub" a really cool bar with excerecise equipment in it, and that cool bike on the top of this page. By that time the rain had let up so we rode for a while. A really lousy game of footdown resulted in Derrik FALLING OVER COMPLETLY ON HIS OWN, and we ended up at the Monomnie skatepark somehow. I don't remember much else, other than eating at burger king and riding home late.
Friday was critical mass which was small but with an iron will to ride, on a dark and dreary day. after the mass I moved some more and ehaded down to the joint around 8. Spent less than $20 all night and stayed till bar close talking to really cool people, and having a really good time. Nights like that make me really love Eau Claire, and think about ow many cool people there are in this town that I meet and wish I could hang out with them forever, unfortunetly usually I'm so socially akward I don't know what o say to people after talking to them for 2 minites. Saterday was suppose to be the Earth Day celebration, but it was canceled due to snow and wind. Dan and I moved some bikes and picked up a couch and hung out for a while. Afterwards I went grocery shopping, made a bunch of homemade veggie burgers, and rented movies. Lazy all day untill around 8 when I went to he joynt for a while, and headed over to HOR to see Flags play. I was tired and kind of felt like shit so I headed bqck to the joynt breifly, visited katie at NYPD and went home around 12. Over all, despite allergies and snow, it was a really good weekend, and I finally got move into my new place. My fridge finally started working so I can actually keep food cold now, and more importantly fill my freeer with ice cream. So not really much else hapening. Just kind of trying to prepare for final projects and finals. Realizing that school is done in like two weeks, scary scary scary. speaking of which I need to go find a bunch of books to write a paper due tomorrow, I'm a terrible student.
P.S. Blogger is being extrordinarily stupid and postin g pictures and links has been getting incresingly difficult for me to do so pardon the text heaviness, and crappy linkage.
P.P.S. I've been Emo as fuck latley and these are alot of the really good bands I've been listening to.
Jejune http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=150257104
Indian Summer http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=36966527
Her Space Holiday http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=16958359
Jawbreaker http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=20444325